Monday 22 August 2011

Oh, Blogger. Why won't you let me comment on my own blog?

I'm not sure exactly what's gone on, but apparently getting a new cell phone has messed up my ability to post comments to my own blog.

It's weird, I know.  Here's the long version: I just got an Android phone.  I signed into the Android Market with my Google ID and my phone decided that I needed a Gmail account.  Since I saw no harm in it, I punched in an address for myself and now I can post blog entries but not comments.  Blogger says that my Gmail account doesn't have the ability to post blog comments.


Anyhow - this is mainly a long-winded way of apologizing for the fact that I'm not responding to comments at the moment.  Hopefully I can get this sorted out soon.

1 comment:

  1. I had a similar problem with my Wordpress blog. My comments started going to the Spam folder and I had to approve them.
