Monday 1 August 2011

Messing around with things

I've heard from some people that my original theme didn't work well on some browsers, so I'm trying something new.  Let me know what you think about the new look of the blog.  Do you like it?  Hate it?  Are you indifferent?


  1. I'm not too happy with this theme. Can't put my finger on what I don't like about it, though.

  2. I just found your blog – the name intrigued me. Yours is an interesting concept. Will you try to visit all types of religious places, like Hindu temples, synagogues, as well as the myriad of Christian churches? When I was waiting at the airport in Chicago I talked to some French people who had been in Georgia (where I live too.) They had gone to a church were everyone was African American and then to another church were everyone was white and they asked me why churches were segregated. I did not know what to say. In France they have churches, where everyone goes – well not so many people since only 6% of the people go to church anyway. I look forward to your future posts.
