Wednesday 6 July 2011

Wondering when I'm going to start posting for real?

I realize that at this point, this blog's a bit of a work in progress.  My priority right now has been to get the framework of the blog set up so that it's ready once I go to post for real.

I've got a church picked out for my first Religiologue post, but it'll take a bit for me to set things up for my visit.  Look for that post in the next two weeks or so.  In the meantime, you can keep yourself amused by seeing how the layout and background changes from day to day as I settle on a "look" for the blog.


  1. It's good to see you blogging, Penguin! I think you've got a great concept here. Especially given your frequently sharp insights into matters religious.

    I like today's background. I think it's one of the better blogger backgrounds.

    Thanks for linking to me! I'll happily reciprocate.

    Perhaps when you get a moment, you will consider allowing for email subscriptions. I don't know how frequently you plan to blog, but unless you are putting up a post a day, the surest way to follow your blog for some of us will be via emails when you post.

  2. Thanks!

    I can't take credit for the background - it was the theme default. :D

    Good idea about email subscriptions. I've added a Feedburner widget to let people do that.

    And you're right - I'm not planning on posting every day. Just based on the format, I'm aiming for once a week, normally.

  3. One more thing. Please consider adding an email on your blogger profile. I've found that now and then readers prefer to contact me by email in order to ask more involved questions, or to share something of themselves with me. I've made some good net friends that way.
